What is SBR tank in wastewater treatment?

Date public: 19-06-2024||View: 6262
In the context of increasing environmental protection demands, wastewater treatment technology plays a more crucial role than ever. One of the advanced and efficient solutions chosen by many experts is the SBR (Sequencing Batch Reactor). This article will provide a detailed introduction to the working principle, structure, and outstanding advantages of the SBR, helping you better understand its important role in modern wastewater treatment systems.

1. Definition of SBR Wastewater Treatment Technology

For those interested in the environmental field and wastewater treatment, the question "What is SBR?" is no longer unfamiliar.
SBR stands for Sequencing Batch Reactor. In wastewater treatment, the SBR tank is a technology that treats domestic wastewater using a biological reaction process following a continuous batch reaction.
It is one of the types of batch-operated reactors using activated sludge, characterized by the aeration and settling processes being operated and occurring in the same tank.
The SBR domestic wastewater treatment technology is a highly effective method in the field of wastewater treatment. Unlike traditional tanks, the SBR tank in wastewater treatment has many outstanding advantages, producing effluent with very low bacterial content, safe and without causing any harm to the environment.
Having understood the basic term SBR, we will clarify more about related issues concerning the SBR tank in wastewater treatment.

2. SBR Tank Calculation

To calculate the SBR tank, it is necessary to clearly understand its operational mechanism to calculate accurately and reasonably according to the operation mechanism.
When designing and constructing the SBR tank, we must calculate it very thoroughly and scientifically. The SBR tank consists of two types of tanks: the Selector tank and the C-tech tank. The wastewater is initially treated in the Selector tank before being transferred to the C-tech tank for further treatment.
The biological parameters needed when calculating the SBR tank are: yield coefficient, endogenous decay coefficient, number of tanks (2 tanks), sludge density, average sludge concentration at the bottom of the sludge, wastewater containing sufficient nitrogen, phosphorus, and necessary metals for cell growth.
When calculating the SBR tank, it is necessary to determine:
  • Initial parameters of the SBR tank in wastewater treatment

  • Determine tank volume, drawdown depth, tank depth

  • Determine sludge retention time in the SBR tank

  • Determine the Kjeldahl nitrogen content in the influent

Proper calculation of the SBR tank will maximize its advantages in treating wastewater for businesses, such as:
  • Ability to treat highly polluted wastewater and thoroughly treat organic substances

  • Easy to control incidents

  • Stable and flexible in operation

  • Suitable for all systems and capacities

  • Requires less space

  • Suitable for small-capacity plants

3. Working Principle of SBR Domestic Wastewater Treatment Technology

With two tank clusters: the Selector tank cluster and the C-tech tank cluster. Wastewater is first led into the Selector tank, after preliminary treatment, it is transferred to the C-tech tank.
The SBR tank operates in a cycle consisting of 5 phases:
  • Filling: Wastewater is pumped into the reaction tank, which contains microorganisms capable of reacting with organic substances in the wastewater.

  • Aeration: High-flow aeration is applied to supply oxygen and enhance the contact between activated sludge and pollutants in the wastewater to promote the treatment process.

  • Settling: After the aeration time, which has been pre-calculated to ensure microorganisms completely react with pollutants, aeration is stopped to allow the sludge to settle before proceeding to the next step.

  • Decanting: Once the wastewater has been treated and stratified, decanting is carried out to the next treatment stage.

  • Idle: The SBR tank is left idle for a short time before the cycle starts again from phase 1.

We can better understand this working principle through detailed SBR tank drawings. Detailed SBR tank drawings will provide a more visual perspective. Each detailed SBR tank drawing is compatible with different wastewater conditions. They are designed to best suit the specific requirements and purposes of businesses needing wastewater treatment, as well as the current status of the wastewater source that the business has.

4. SBR Tank Specialization in Wastewater Treatment

The specialization of SBR tanks in wastewater treatment of nitrate removal involves two stages. The first stage is the oxidation of nitrogen compounds (Nitrification). The second stage is the reduction of the valence to zero (Denitrification).
ASBR Tank: This is also a type of biological tank. The ASBR tank optimizes operation and overcomes the disadvantages of traditional biological tanks, helping to thoroughly treat particularly N, P indicators in wastewater.
ASBR stands for Advanced Sequencing Batch Reactor. If the SBR tank is suitable for small-capacity wastewater, the ASBR tank is more favored for large-capacity wastewater. The outstanding advantage of this ASBR technology is that very little excess sludge is generated. However, since the ASBR tank system is designed to run automatically, it requires highly skilled operators.
MBR Wastewater Treatment Technology: The MBR filtration technology stands for Membrane Bioreactor. MBR wastewater treatment technology is a combination of both biological and physical methods. The advantage of this technology is that the MBR membrane can be used for both aerobic and anaerobic biological tanks. The treated water has high quality as it removes very small bacteria, microorganisms, Coliform, E-Coli pathogens. The MBR wastewater treatment technology is coated with a water-permeable polymer belonging to the hydroxyl group, so it has a long lifespan, ensuring the durability and stability of the treatment system.
Above is the information that Dai Nam Environment Co., Ltd. wants to provide to everyone, aiming to give a clearer and more comprehensive view of the SBR tank in wastewater treatment. We are ready to advise and accompany businesses to bring the most optimal solution in wastewater treatment.